Divider for fermented dough TXA-MINI-TOP

Divider for fermented dough TXA-MINI-TOP
Longitudinal cutting disks and Types of bread Transversal cut guillotine
Laminated fluted roller
  • Machine designed to produce high hydrated bread (70-90% water).
  • Due to its special process: tough flour, important resting time, less damage when cutting, etc., permits to produce high quality bread and several shapes.
  • After programming the machine, the TXA-MINI-TOP and having unload the piece of dough into the inlet belt, spread the dough, the machine divides and cut several types of bread.

    After cutting pieces are separated in different variable ways and automatically panned in tray or board, manually handling the trays.
  • Control through automat, which allows 16 different programs.
  • The machines tells when the dough is finished to joint the following one.
  • Tray or board dimensions: 500-800 mm max.
  • Types of bread: the classic ciabatta in all its shapes: baston, baguette, rustic with pointed ends, minis, etc.


Types of bread

We are in

Barrio Zalaín, 19
31780 BERA, Navarra

Contact by

+34 948 631 004